
possesses a quiet intellect, he observes and assesses a situation and offers a unique insight. We met on a hike in Runyon Canyon many years ago, but our versions of the story diverge at this point. I remember him being in distress and needing a hand up a slippery slope, and he? the opposite. Jason is from London and me? Rural Virginia. Who would be more sure-footed in nature? Exactly.

Since then, we've been in a few precarious situations in faraway places. Always in search of the "Perfect shot" at the "right moment." A healthy Director/Cinematographer relationship is fueled by a mutual obsession for capturing "it. "

Jason taught me to see and capture emotion. He's a chiropractor of sorts because he fused my empathy with the physical skill of Cinematography, and I've never been the same. It's what a GREAT Director does and, in my experience, the true meaning of collaboration. I've been shaped by many people on this fantastic journey, seen through their eyes, felt through their nerve endings, or so I imagined.

Our lives have grown together and apart at the same time. Our friendship was forged in a shared past and nourished by mutual forgiveness and laughter. He's a close friend and a #portraitofafriend



