is my Northern Star. He's been at the crossroads in my adult life and guided me on my path. His perspective is one of the Stars, and it reveals patterns and cycles that started at birth and course throughout my life. My myths about such events are sometimes erased and sometimes embellished through his unique insights. Whenever I see him, my life's perspective enlarges, and my appreciation deepens. He is a @cosmicnavigator

As a friend, he's one of the unique souls I've met because his insights aren't drawn from the usual sources in which most opinions are formed. Technically speaking, he breaks the mold. He can see what others miss and assemble patterns from chaos. His strength comes from within and is fortified by his purpose.

I've been drawn to his inner light, compassion, and intelligence for twenty-plus years. There's a spark, an understanding of the moment, newly born and world-weary at the same time. He's a #potraitoflight and a #portraitofafriend



